Thursday, September 17, 2009


I have read an article on the horrible conditions that ugandan children have to live in. It makes me sad beyond belif to read the details about what these children go through. I know there are not that many government programs in place to help either, There are just mainly camps for them to go to, but even then they are exposed to being attaked by the LRA, and disease. I know that in the United States no one has to live like this and I think we should help out, I know that everyone hears alot about Uganda but no one does much. We have the resources to help these kids and give them a better life, i would give them my tax dollars in a heartbeat instead of supporting the war in Iraq. I don't think these people should suffer through this time, yes there are alot of things we need to fix in the United States, but nothing in comparison to what is going on in Uganda. If this were to happen in our country we would not stand for it, and just beacuse its not "our people" is irrelevant and wrong to think, we are all here on the same earth and we should start from the bottom up.


  1. i would very much like to read that article. can you post a link?

  2. i agree that article sounds interesting and our tax dollars would be better spent on helping a country in need instead of funding the war in iraq

  3. you sound so passionate I really enjoyed reading your thoughts and I think tax dollars would be well spent to help these children.
